The Mind Control Course - Become A Jedi Mind Control Master

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Saturday, February 25, 2012

How Can You Know Yourself?

Most every self-help courses start with the idea that you must know yourself before you can know what you are going to do and how you will act with others. Even the Bible tells us to "Know thyself." before you can know God. Even though most people would claim they know who they are, in reality they don't. People may have a general idea of what they like or want or may even have some sort of direction; but they don't pursue what really makes them function as they do. Why do you react the way you do? What makes you get angry or happy? Most people can't begin to answer these questions about themselves.

This is why some people require long term therapy with an analyst to help solve their problems. Psychiatrist can detect the complexities of people much better than the individuals themselves. They realize the layers of entrenched beliefs within the human mind must be approached with caution and restraint.

Common people do not evaluate the physiological side of someone else, because they could not detect abnormal traits without proper training. Even if they tried it would still take a trained professional to make a valid evaluation. Any evaluation of a person would differ from person to person. Certainly your evaluation of yourself would be strikingly different than any persons' evaluation of you. You would tend to be harder in your assessment of yourself than someone else. Why? Because you know what your expectations are and if you are living up to them.

Only you would know what you believe in and how you would react to different stimuli. Another person's evaluation would be based on their own value system and their perception of how it should be structured. We see ourselves and the world from the inside out, others see us from the outside in. They see a projection of us, like an actor in a play. Remember the saying, "the world is a stage and we are only actors," well it's true. You project what you believe to be appropriate for the particular situation. That is why it is called "action" because you become engaged as the actor in the act. Because your actions are determined by your associations and experiences. How past encounters are interpreted will establish precedence for how it effects you in the future. No two individuals will make the same judgments and have the same reactions to a given situation. Just like everyone looks different and sounds different they also see the world from a slightly different angle, color and emotion. For a person to know him/herself is to have self assurance, but then, everyone harbors some fears and doubts that they don't know about.

You can set down and self-evaluate yourself, but your examination would be bias and would never be true in the eyes of someone else. Their examination of you would always be tainted by their own self serving eccentrics. You can only make a determination of how you are going to accept or reject any particular person or thing, but not why you made the assessment. True assessments come from a mixture of previous determinations. These are accounted as values and morals which are driven by your individual, social, financial, physical, interaction, and religious considerations. These differences are what makes you an individual. The fact is, you can know what you want but never totally why you want it. The most valuable contribution you can make to yourself is in the quality of your relationships with others. Be truthful, faithful, and diligent in all that you do. Honesty, and forthrightness, comes as a result of your doing the right thing. So, don't worry who you are but rather concentrate on how you are.

Developing A P
ositive Attitude:
No one is guaranteed to live life in a rose garden. You are bombarded daily with stressful and negative events that there is no getting around. At times life really stinks but you still have to face the relationships, jobs, financial matters, physical fitness, religion which all pose questions and all present challenges. Each phase of life will present complexities unique to that particular period in your life. How is your inner self contending with all the complexities you face on a daily bases? You will never be completely free from challenges but by knowing yourself you can face adversities with confidence. Each life event can be met with the assurance that you can and will triumph. It is important that in the face of adversity that you are collected and maintain a positive attitude. Anything can be overcome by a person who knows what his/her limits are and with the right attitude. It is attitude, without a doubt, that is the one most important things you possess, and guess what, you are in control of it. It's up to you how you greet the world and everyone in it. Positive is met with positive, and your positive attitude will reflect a winning personality. Let’s face it, success and failure are the same, only on opposite sides of the rule. It’s the law of cause and effect. If effects are to be changed, the cause must be altered. It’s the law, nothing personal, it’s the same for everyone.
Author: Donald Yates 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Spirtitual Balance In Hard Times

Life has never gone along constantly smooth and there are always bumps in the road. There are times that will be challenging times that can put a strain on the person. These are the times to surround yourself with friends and family and remember the things that make up a good life. When there is negative energies that can bring a person down they need to combat with positive energies. The reason for this is that when a person gets down it is very difficult to think about solutions or ways to get around obstacles. It can become a spiral downward.

One of the aspects of life is spiritual balance. Or perhaps it can be said life balance using spiritual means. Spiritual balance comes from depending on something other than what is happening, gaining strength from within and the powers of God and the universe. It is the spiritual part of life that can be counted on always but especially during the challenging times. Instead of letting problems take us down to a negative level, it is the balance that allows clarity of situation to continue. It is clarity in seeing the situation that allows ideas on ways to get through or to correct the situation.

Instead of allowing the negative energies to consume life it is often very helpful to quiet yourself. Put the frustrations aside for just a few moments, or any emotion that is becoming consuming, and take time to regroup, calm, and refresh yourself. This can be done by meditation when the body gets to relax a little and the mind gets to rest. Meditation is also a time when the mind and spirit can remember what is important in life finding new ways to solve problems. When the body and mind calm often the person will have a different outlook looking for solutions either consciously or unconsciously. It allows a person to see that he or she has a lot more strength that thought.

All people want to live their lives in a very positive way. People want to have enough to have a decent time on this earth. Anything that threatens that causes tension. But again life has its hard times. It is during these times that it is very important to keep a balance and there is no better way to do this than with spirituality. This gives balance to life when nothing else can. Some suggestions on how to do this is as follows.

First just stop for a moment and ask yourself if for today you will make it though and be all right. Now take a look at the next day and ask yourself the same thing. How far does this time period go out if you keep asking yourself this question. It should come out that there is time. Next remember the friends and family that can help support you through this hard time. Or perhaps there are groups that can also assist or give suggestions. This can allow a person not to feel alone.

Have you been through hard times before? The answer is probably yes sometime in life and it was worked through by finding ways to cope with the situation and pulling the strength from within and from beliefs. Though it often seems like problems will not go away, sometimes it is a time for deciding what it is that is important in a life. These are the times that spiritual peace is often tested or has a feeling of being tested. But this is also the aspect of life that keeps people going when it may seem too hard to keep going. When there seems to be no answer, this is exactly where the answers come from.
Author: Liz Cosline-Life Ownership Coach

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Positively Passionate People

True passion is one of the most powerful feelings one may feel in their lifetime. One can become so passionate about something that they feel they would die for it (and sometimes do.) It may be one of the most powerful of all human emotions. Passion can be harnessed for good, or for evil. It is when people harness their passions in positive ways that the world is shaped in a beautiful way.

These people are not lazy, unambitious, unmotivated, depressed bags of flesh that mope about all day wallowing in self-pity. They are alive, energetic, proactive and dynamic beings who have come to fully realize the divine potential within their own mind, body, life and soul.

As you'll learn in many of our products, the people that you surround yourself with have a huge impact on your mind, and thus your life. Therefore, surround yourself with as many positively passionate people as you can, and you will find yourself becoming like them. To help you identify these people, we've listed eight broad characteristics below. You can also model yourself after these - and you will find your level of passion increases accordingly.

Lives Life Fully
The positively passionate person lives life to its fullest - everyday. They know how to have a great time. They know when to be spontaneous. They see the beauty in everyday living, and in all of creation. They realize that ultimately life isn't defined by thoughts - it's defined by the actions that arise from those thoughts. Thus, they master their mind, and simultaneously master their actions. Their actions and feelings which arise as a result of their thoughts are what allow them to lead an amazing, fulfilling life.

The positively passionate person is unstoppable in all that they do. They are aware of the immeasurable value of perseverance. They never give up on what they have set their mind too - no matter what gets in their way. They realize that they are the only one that can stop themselves. They don't let the negative feedback of others stand between them and their dreams. They know that good things take time. They never surrender - they always move forward, until they reach their goals.

Takes Risks
The positively passionate person takes risks when appropriate - knowing that risks are the only way to grow. Unless they risk something, even if very small, they will not grow. They realize they must step outside of their comfortable current conditions in order to achieve anything. They take wise, informed risks in order to achieve what they desire.

The positively passionate person is assertive in all decisions. They are intuitive, use good judgment, and make good decisions - fast. When confronted with a choice, they draw upon their own past experiences and external information - which they filter with their critical thinking skills - to reach a decision. They trust in themselves, and have confidence in their choice.

The positively passionate person remains focused at all times. They focus on their dreams and goals until they become a reality. They decide what they want, how they will get it, and then focus on it with all their power until they make it happen. They only allow things to enter their life that will help them achieve what they have set out to do - they develop powerful paradigms and mental filters that only accept positive thoughts in order to bring them closer to their goals.

The positively passionate person cultivates and utilizes their inner creativity. They create ways to reach their goals and to overcome obstacles placed in their path. They strive for innovation and for new, better, easier ways to do things. They use the power of their mind and their subconscious to show them the way. They utilize techniques such as those taught by our company to find inventive ways to crystallize their dreams.

The positively passionate person is self-evolved. They are self-confident, introspective, self-guided, and self-reliant. They have learned how to rely on themselves through the good and the bad. They are the reason that they are where they are, and that they are who they are. They use the lessons of the past to their advantage, and learn from every mistake. They examine their own mind and soul regularly, and learn to understand and control their every thought, feeling, and action. They know where they have been, and they know where they are going. If they do not like something, they change it. They continuously strive to move along the path to their dreams, and fully realize that they are the only vehicle that will take them there.

Mastery Of Subconscious
The positively passionate person has mastered their own subconscious mind. They realize that every thought and thus every action is a result of what has been put into their mind. They have a powerful, positive belief system and mental filters that allow them to recognize positive things in the world around them that they can use to reach their goals. They have positive habits and a positive self image, and everything produced by their mind conforms to their positive beliefs. They take on the rightful duty of programming their own mind - of eliminating negative programming, and positively affirming and regularly reaffirming every desirable aspect of their own being. They use mental tools and techniques, such as those we offer, to program their mind to receive exactly what they want out of life.

You'll know a positively passionate person when you see one. They are the ones that stick out above the rest - the successful ones - the happy ones. When you become passionate about something positive and follow it... when you harness your own thoughts to get there... when you master your own mind - you become happy. Negative thoughts cannot dwell in a mind that has no place for them.

Being passionate about doing something positive in the world and taking action to make it happen will not only bring happiness in your life, it can also bring happiness to those you help.
We have the tools to allow you to get whatever you want out of life. You have the power to live your dreams. Let us help you along the way.

Lee Ridenour President Ridenour-Blade Self-Evolution

Monday, February 13, 2012

Here's One For Valentines Day! .... Relationship Communication - How Couples Perceive Each Other

Just because someone is listening to me, I don't assume that they got the communication that I sent. Neither should you.  So after I say something, I have created the habit of asking my listener what s/he heard from me. I also like to check in on my own perceptions about what I've heard from someone.  Rather than assuming that my perceptions about what other people mean when they say something are accurate, I've gotten into the practice of asking if what I heard was what they meant to communicate to me.

Here's one great example:

I had assumed for a while that when my lover didn't ask for my support (because I certainly ask for his) that it was because he didn't think I had anything to give him. I was really upset about this story I was telling myself and it was affecting how I related to him. I found that I resented asking for his support, and did everything in my power to avoid it. I felt awful because it thwarted my natural inclination to ask. But he wouldn't ask me… It was a viscous circle.

When I finally checked in and asked "I've had the feeling that you don't ask me for help because you don't think I have anything to offer you. Is that accurate with what is happening for you?" He laughed. "Absolutely not," he said. "I just can't seem to ask. It's my issue. I really value your help," he said.

Lately we've been working with asking each other what we RECEIVE in our communications and it's fascinating how much of what is SENT is altered by way of how we hear things. He could say "I don't want to talk about it," and I will hear "You don't want to talk to me." We then have an opportunity to clarify and better understand how each of us uses language.

If you use the words "sense," "feel" or "intuit," you let your partner know "Look, this is a perception."  No one wants to be TOLD how he or she is." I sense you're angry," is an opening. "You're angry," is a dead end. Then simply ask, "Is that accurate?" "Does that resonate with you?" "Is that what's going on for you?"  It feels great to have someone care enough to really get it right and to be able to reflect your communication back to you with accuracy.

Perception Checking:
Ask who you're talking to reflect back to you what s/he heard. If what you had hoped to send and what they received are different, you've got a place to start from to clear up any misconceptions and get yourselves both "on the same page."

After someone says something to you, reflect back to him or her what you've heard. Discover if it matches. If it doesn't it gives you both the chance to make sure that the message that's being sent is the one you're getting.

Author: Karen Brody

Discover The Magic Of Doing What You Love

Do what you love to do and give it your very best. Whether it's business or baseball, or the theater, or any field. If you don't love what you're doing and you can't give it your best, get out of it. Life is too short. You'll be an old man before you know it.
Al Lopez

Since childhood we are coerced to follow the conventional path. Along the way, through happy accidents we discover small pockets of doing what we love. Unfortunately, due to the tremendous strength of our conditioning, we relegate our attention to doing what we must to survive.

Only twice have I met people who have done what they loved and both events shook me to the core. Inspiration is watching someone doing what they love.

The first time, I was introduced to a dentist. My mother had sent me to see him because I was about to graduate from high school and I wanted to choose a profession for college. She had been a patient of the dentist and had been highly impressed by him.

The dentist showed me around his office. It was evening, and the office had closed. He was so enthusiastic that I could barely follow along. He showed me a variety of instruments, he showed me textbook after textbook of the most horrific dental conditions and rhapsodized about how dentistry could fix them, and-he showed me what it is like to be happy.

The second time, I was introduced to a surgeon. Unfortunately, I was his patient. This man used to be a general practitioner, and then fell in love with surgery. He just loved helping people. Besides saving my life, he also showed me the power of doing what you love. He was always laughing, joking, and appeared to be having the time of his life.

Both these men enjoyed tremendous wealth and success. I met them socially, too, and learned more about them. Life and joy just emanated from them. They were the most charming and amazing people in any social setting. Their charisma emanated from doing what they loved all day long.

If you're not doing what you love, then you're at the wrong place, with the wrong people, and doing the wrong thing. Your life is heavy with repressed desire. And the weight of your unlived life will not let you have a moment of true spontaneity.

But--how do we just throw away the entire fabric of what we consider our safety and plunge into doing what we love? How do we probe past the layers of self-denial that have what we love to do?

There are three things to do to live your life on your own terms doing what you love.

The first is to spend some time in introspection and find what you love to do.

The second is to begin where you're at to do it. Do it as recreation if you don't have an outlet. The main thing to do is to let it happen.

The third thing is to let it expand by itself to fill your life. Your skills will improve, your hobby will attract opportunity, and one day, you'll find the joy of living your life the way you want and be a blessing to all those around you.

Author: Saleem Rana

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Living with an Attitude of Gratitude

Creating an attitude of gratitude is one of the easiest steps we can take to improve our lives. The happiness that we create for ourselves by showing our appreciation has far-reaching effects, both for ourselves and for those we come into contact with. The potential for gratitude to spread beyond those people also increases significantly – it can be highly contagious. There are so many different ways that we can express an attitude of gratitude. Here are just a few:

Say “thank you”. This is the most basic and well-known way to show appreciation to others. Saying “thank you” is a great way to express your gratitude and can be done in several different forms. You can say it in person, over the phone, in a note, or in an email. Using this when it’s least expected can have significant results in lifting someone’s spirits. For example, a quick note to your child’s teacher thanking her for her hard work and patience might give her the boost of energy that she needs right when she needs it most. You may never know what effect this has had on her, but it will have an effect.

Stop complaining about your life. Even as tough as life can be sometimes, remember that there is always someone that has things worse than you do. Constant complaining about what is wrong in your life will keep you focused on that. The opposite is true as well – focusing on what is right in your life will keep you focused on that. Focusing on the negative will bring you down while focusing on the positive will lift you up.

Focus on what you have, not what you don’t have. This is very closely related to not complaining about your life. Being grateful for what you do have keeps you in a positive place, whereas focusing on what you don’t have keeps you in a negative place. Focusing on what you do have, regardless of how little or how much that may be, is a great expression of gratitude.

Model your attitude. Modeling your attitude of gratitude is a great way to spread it to others. We’ve all heard the Golden Rule to “treat others the way you want to be treated”. Showing your appreciation to others shows them that you like to be treated this way too. An attitude of gratitude can be quite infectious!

Be satisfied with simple things and be mindful of little things. Being grateful for the little things in our lives is just as important (if not, more so) than being grateful for the big things. Our lives are filled with little things every day that we can be grateful for. What about that front row parking spot you found when you were running late? Or the beautiful weather outside? How about the store clerk that went out of her way to help you? This may take a little practice, but there are many little things throughout the day that we can be grateful for if we take the time to notice them.

Give to someone else. This is the best way to spread your gratitude of attitude. There are so many different ways to give to someone else. You could volunteer your time to help those less fortunate or give you time to children by mentoring them. The possibilities are endless but could make a huge difference in someone’s life without you evening knowing it. If they in turn give to someone else, the cycle could continue without end.

Keep a gratitude journal. Let’s just be honest here: there are some days when it is hard to find anything to be grateful for. Keeping a gratitude journal can help with that. There are preprinted journals so you can just fill in the blanks or you can make your own. The important thing is to find at least 5 things each day to be grateful for, no matter how big or small those things are. A gratitude journal can serve two purposes: it will help you stop and remember what you are grateful for or it can serve as inspiration on days when you find it difficult to find anything to be grateful for by reading over past days.

Practice random acts of kindness. This can be one of the most fun and rewarding ways to live a life of gratitude, especially when it’s done anonymously. Surprise someone with something unexpected. You may never know what it meant to them but it will likely make their day. Try putting a note in your child’s lunch or bringing treats to the office to share. Even a small gesture can mean so much to someone.

Living a life of gratitude is one of the easiest ways to live a happier life. It takes very little effort to show someone you appreciate them but will mean so much to them. There are so many ways to make gratitude a part of our life and to spread that attitude to others. Make today the day you start living a life of gratitude and spread your light to the rest of the world!

Author: April Mims

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Who Am I?

You cannot see your self - you can only see what you are not.

What you are is the very 'thing' that gives birth to all life, sustains that very life and then destroys that very life.

You are that which constitutes the energy that is forever arising.

It is beyond its own creation.

The creation comes and goes in cycles - all things pass away, seen and unseen, internal and external - they are transient, all of it is transient, everything except for the very energy (heart) that sustains it all.

You are not the transient.

You are that which is beyond the transient.

It never dies - it cannot - it does not - it just is.

This is what and who you are - the very substance that is totally alive and yet beyond its own manifestation.

If you buy into believing yourself to be that which passes away then pain and suffering are the inevitable result of that belief. That cannot be helped. It passes away. You do not. To put your eggs into the basket that is under the crusher is not a good idea. To get on the train that is heading to fly off of the cliff is going to bring you misery.

If you choose to put your energy into believing that you are something that you are not - what to do? Who is to blame? If you do not choose what is already true of you...

How to be what you already are? There is no 'how', there is only the being thereof.

To be that which you already are - to be that - requires your alignment, your choosing to be in the same moment that the backdrop of existence is arising.

The one energy, heart, that arises as all things which come and go, arises now.

It is you.

This is who you are.

What are you?

You are the heart that is arising in this very moment as all things. The same energy that is arising as your neighbour, brother, sister, mother, father, friend, enemy... is you. The energy that is arising as the walls of your room, the cigarette butt in the gutter, the gutter itself, the moon, sun and stars, the trees and rivers, the pesticides and poisons, the rainbows and butterflies, angels and devils, the white, black and blue brotherhoods... is you. In other words, everything. Everything. Absolutely everything, seen and unseen. All of manifestation is but a reflection of the living one - which happens to be you. This one is arising now. Right now. Right here. Actually so. Energetically so.

This is who you are.

To take the part to be the whole that you are, is going to result in pain and suffering. That simply cannot be helped. To seek to gain from the part what only the whole can deliver is only going to leave you in anguish.

Such is the way that it is - such is the way that it always was.

Talking about this great matter or thinking about this great matter is not going to cut the mustard.

Believing that you are the unmanifest itself is not going to have you home in the heart.

You must enter this very energy (heart) directly and then stay here.

This you can do. It is already true of you.

Nothing has the power to prevent you from coming home to the heart. Nothing.

The part has no power to prevent the whole.

You are already the heart. It is the unmanifest arising as itself through the manifest. It is true of you now. You can enter it (and enter it you must - thinking about it is not going to bring you into being it - no way, no can do).

It need not take a long time to energetically connect with your beingness.

Your desire to come home is all that is required. If your desire to come home to the heart is not strong then very little is going to change for you. You will settle for less. And less is what you already suffer.

If you still think that you can hang onto your belief in your head (or shmee) and be the heart as well then you still have some fundamental lessons to learn about how the part cannot be the whole. No matter how big the part appears it is still only the part. It was born and it will die, like all else and all else is transient.

Because you settle for less than what you already are you are left with the continual seeking for what only the heart can deliver.

The illusion cannot deliver what you are always looking for in the "great out-there" or in the "great in-there".

What you are has no beginning and no end. It is a continuity. That continuity is happening right now. You can enter this now and be this continuity. For that to actualise though, requires your surrendering what you have come to believe yourself to be. As simple as this is, it is very arduous from your normal mode of tendency.

What you are left with as you begin to align yourself to the heart.


The sheer pleasure of no longer trying - for anything. Always flowing from each moment with clarity to every arising circumstance.

The tremendous beauty of being the heart, informing your whole life. No rules, no regulations.

Seeing how this one that is you is also everyone and thing else. No doubt and no guilt. Endless clarity.

No fight, no problem. Constant depth of being home in the heart.

The continuity and exhaustlessness of being.

The freedom of the energy of what is beyond everything at all times (which is you) - forever.

Sounds boring? *chuckling* Only the head would think that - particularly when the heart is not entered.

The indescribable quality of being can only be pointed to and all of this is simply a pointer.

Want to come home?

You can.

Nothing is preventing you.


Author: Elysha

Law of Attraction: New Age Fantasy?

Have heard about the Law of Attraction? This law states that whatever your predominant thoughts are that is what you will attract. If you constantly think about all your aches and pains and how poor your health is then you will attract more of the same. On the other hand, if you concentrate on abundant health and imagine yourself healthy and full of energy then you will attract health into your life.

Some people would argue that the law of attraction is just wishful thinking and could actually be dangerous. They feel that people who believe in this so-called law might for example, just hope that a tumor would go away rather than getting proper medical treatment. Or they might wish that their bills would go away and end up in bankruptcy rather than upgrading their skills and finding a new job which would enable them to pay their debts.

Both the critics and proponents would be missing the larger picture if they believed in the above. Visualizing an ideal outcome is only the first step in the law of attraction. We live in a material world so inspired action is also usually required. Nevertheless, the visualizing stage will quite often reveal possibilities that were unknown or even seem to create synchronous events that seem almost magical.

Let's look at a difficult situation such as that of a poor African country. One could feel that since there is no food in the environment it is impossible to attract it. Yes, I agree that wishing for some food will not make it magically appear. But, if an individual was able to stay positive in that very difficult environment they would have the best opportunity to become aware of and avail themselves of an air-drop of refugee supplies. Victor Frankl did pretty much the same thing in the German concentration camps. Yes, it was grim and he did not make the concentration camps disappear but by working with his consciousness he was able to change his internal condition. He was then in a much better position to help himself and others.

But how about actually attracting something? For example, you decide that you would like an extra five thousand dollars next month. You begin to visualize it and emotionally feel what it would be like to have that extra money. Then a week later you get a letter that a distant relative has passed a way and left you five thousand dollars in their will. This is not at all an unusual circumstance and most people probably could point to a few in their own lives. Is this just a coincidence a fluke, a bit of good luck? Or is something else going on?

This is where it gets interesting. Recent studies in such diverse fields as quantum physics, brain scan imaging, and distance healing, seem to be indicate that something is going on in terms of our ability to affect things at a distance. Larry Dossey, the well known physician who has done a great deal of work in studying distance healing through prayer, feels that medicine has progressed through three distinct stages.

Stage 1 is the traditional 19th century mechanistic view of the body. Stage 2 is the age of "psychosomatic medicine" which believes that the mind can influence the body. Stage 3, which we are just entering, proposes that consciousness is not confined to one's individual body. In other words, an individual's mind may affect not just his or her body, but the body of another person, event or object at a distance.

Perhaps it is in these new areas of research that we will begin to understand the Law of Attraction and whether or not it has true validity.

Author: Douglas Reach

Top 7 Tips To Manage Stress

You can’t rid stress from your life completely, but you can reduce it. Know that it takes some effort because you may have to make changes in your attitude and lifestyle. Reducing stress requires that you know how you react to stress. If you know, you can change your behavior. Try to be more optimistic and assertive. See the glass as half full instead of half empty (and tell someone who disagrees that that’s the way you see things). Also, develop a strategy for handling stressful situations. This way, you won’t be caught off guard.

Here are the helpful tips:

1. Add good nutrition and exercise
When your body is healthy, it can better stand up to stress. Keep your body healthy and strong with nutritious foods. A low-fat diet helps slow the progress of some stress-related diseases. Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.

2. Laugh
Laughter may be one of the healthiest antidotes to stress. When you laugh or, just smile, the blood flow to the brain is increased. It is due to the release of endorphins which results a drop in the level of stress hormones.

3. Be social
When you feel stress, your instincts tell you to isolate yourself. When you withdraw, you allow yourself to concentrate more on the problem, which makes your stress level greater. Call friends. Be around with young children, who can help make you forget yourself and your worries. Do volunteer work.

4. Know your stress personality
Do you know how to react to stress? Do you yell and kick the furniture? Or do you retreat into stony silence? Keep a stress diary for two weeks. Make note of any stressor, the time, place, and day it occurs, how you feel (angry, defeated, tired, overwhelmed), and what you do as a result. By knowing your own personality and triggers, you can learn to respond to stress before you reach crisis mode.

5. Make your job work for you
The real cause of job-related stress is not overwork but lack of personal control. Interestingly, the most stressful positions are not at the top. Workers in high-demand, low-control positions, such as computer operators and sales personnel, are more heart-attack prone than CEOs, who have a high degree of control in their jobs. Although you probably can’t change your company’s culture by yourself, you can change the way you react to stress at work.

Participate as actively as possible. Ask and answer questions, attend company meetings and events, and be sure you speak up in the workplace. Support your coworkers. Good relationships with peers and a respectful boss help you feel more in control of your job. But no matter how good things are at work, there is bound to be an upsetting event. What do you so then?

Try counting to ten before you react, which helps to avoid conflict. And the pause can help you regain a sense of control.

And finally, if you know you are in the wrong job, accept the fact and consider improving your skills so that you can change jobs.

6. Get enough sleep
Probably one of the most important things that you can do for yourself is get enough sleep. Sleep helps your body replenish and maintain cells, fortifies your immune system, filters out toxins, and relaxes your muscles. Develop a daily sleep routine that signals your mind that it is time to sleep (for example, take a warm bath before bed). Don’t drink alcohol or caffeine, and don’t smoke because these substances contain chemicals that stimulate your mind.

7. Mind-Body Technique
Teaching your body to flex and relax its muscles is a good way to release stored tension, which relieve stress. Allot at least 15 to 30 minutes of relaxation time. Be sure to practice this relaxation technique when you know that you will not be disturbed, and take the phone off the hook. After the session is over, gently stretch your body, allowing yourself to slowly come out of the relaxed state.

Author: Raymond Lee