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Saturday, August 18, 2012

5 Steps To Motivating Others and Bringing Out The Best In Them

It doesn’t matter if you're a small team, an organization, a company or a family, you will need a lot of motivation to get things done and achieve a level of success. 

But what is motivation? This is a tricky question, because while it’s not complicated, it certainly is not something that a lot of people have automatic understanding about.

So, if you are one of these people who has the job of getting others excited and inspired then here are 5 steps to motivating and bringing out the best in them:

Find Out What Makes The Person You Want To Motivate Tick

Each person, whether he is an employee, a co-worker, a team member or a family member, has some amount of motivation in him.  Try to identify this level.  What makes them tick?  What do they find exciting, interesting or worthwhile?  What are their goals?  How do they hope to achieve them?

Do not try to approach the challenge in a generic way because you will be met with a lack of enthusiasm or even resistance.  Use a personalized approach if you want to motivate an individual.  With a group, look for a common denominator – a common goal or interest – that you can use to motivate them and get them to perform.

“By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be.  Put your future in good hands – your own” ~ Mark Victor Hansen

Start Seeing Things From Their Point Of View

It's easy to explain things based on what you perceive.  But what about what others see, think or feel?  Each time you present an idea or concept to the person you want to motivate, ask them for their opinions and listen to what they have to say.  You can then use information obtained from them in order to create a motivational plan that has the strongest appeal to them.

“The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitments to excellent, regardless of their chosen field of endeavour” – Vince Lombardi

Providing Rewards and Recognition

Between pleasure and pain, people will always choose pleasure.  Try to steer away from using negative motivational tactics such as fear or threats.  These could work initially but they are not very effective for motivating people over a long term.  Besides, using negative reinforcements might result to a feeling of annoyance, anger or exasperation.  If not corrected early, this could even lead to aggression and rebellion.

Use rewards instead.  To motivate people, give recognition, acknowledgment, gratitude, even gifts or citations.  People want to know that you notice their hard work.  Didn't you say you expected the best?  Once someone has risen to that level of excellence, give them the recognition they deserve.  You'll be surprised at how effective this technique is in keeping people motivated.

“The task of leadership is not to put greatness into people, but to elicit it, for the greatness is there already” ~ John Buchan

Showing Through Example

If you want to know how to effectively motivate people, show them through example.  What sort of behaviour do you expect from them?  Why not show them by doing it yourself?  They will be more willing to believe than if you just lecture and never show.

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Don't Push

It is said that you can't lead a horse to water.  When you're trying to motivate people check to see if their willingness is still there.  There is a point in every endeavour when you begin to meet with resistance.  This could happen for a number of reasons, including boredom, distraction, discovery of other more interesting things or just simply lack of interest.  It could also be that your motivational efforts have reached a plateau.

Should this happen, learn to let up, step back and if necessary, let go.  People will be more motivated if they don't feel pressured.  If you sense a resistance, stop and check for identifiable factors that are stopping you.  Once you have found them, design a different approach.

“When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on” ~ Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Acknowledge and Appreciate Yourself

Pop Quiz: When was the last time you acknowledged and appreciated yourself?
That’s right: YOU. Not your spouse, not your children, not your boss, co-workers or friends. Just YOU!
Seriously, think about it!
And if it’s been too long since your last pat on the back, then I want you to take the time right now to acknowledge and appreciate yourself for everything you've accomplished todaythroughout the year, and in life.
Ask yourself: How many times have you succeeded in the past month? The past year? The past 10 years? Are you able to recall your successes as easily as your failures and missteps?
This is not a selfish or egotistical act in the least. By taking the time to stop and appreciate who you are and what you’ve achieved—and perhaps learned through a few mistakes, stumbles and losses—you actually can enhance everything about you!
Self-acknowledgment and appreciation are what give you the insights and awareness to move forward toward higher goals and accomplishments.
In working with top leaders and thought philosophers of our time, I will tell you that among their secrets of success is a regular practice of acknowledging and appreciating what they have.It can offer an oracle into the future because it not only tells you where you are but it also helps clarify where you want to go in life. Whatever that might be. The road then becomes easier to navigate—easier to see from the distance and walk confidently step by step.
Don’t forget to think about both big and little accomplishments. Many people under-appreciate the minor things they do successfully every day . And yet they can recall in detail all the times they have failed or made mistakes. That's because the brain remembers events more easily when they are accompanied by strong emotions.
For example, you might vividly recall a graduation, losing 10 pounds, having a child, winning an award, or landing a highly sought after position. But see if you can identify just as many minor, more subtle successes, such as your intimate conversation with your spouse last night, the re-connection you established with an estranged friend last month, the quality time you were able to spend with your children today, how you checked off all your list of To-Dos for the weekend, how you learned a new task at work, or got your kid to school on time.
These may seem like minor acts in the grand scheme of life, but they are what make us feel whole, happy, and accomplished along the journey toward those larger, and much more deeply satisfying moments.
Acknowledging your mistakes also has it pluses, but we often don’t have trouble recalling or mulling over those. The point is, if you don't acknowledge your successes the same way you acknowledge your mistakes, you're sure to have a memory full of blunders. And a mind stuffed with negative chatter about the gaffes of life won’t fuel your energy, nor your confidence, creativity, and motivation to keep going.
Consider this, too: if you only remember the mistakes and failures, you won't be as ready to take risks that will lead to your successes. Build your self-esteem by recalling all the ways you have succeeded and your brain will be filled with images of you making your achievements happen again and again.
Give yourself permission to toot your own horn and don’t wait for anyone to praise you. Here are two suggestions:
1.) Record Your Personal History. Take time to write your achievements down. Start when you were very young and think of all your achievements since then. Don't just pick the major milestones; write down all the things you take for granted. For example, if you list your college degree, write your appreciation for having the opportunity to go to college and forge friendships that will last a lifetime.
You can also create a log of success every day and review it when you are faced with a new challenge. By writing it all down daily, you're securing it in your long-term memory and it will become a part of what makes you tick. It can even become a source of positive reminders and affirmations for when you’re feeling down, as well as a personal record of you that becomes your legacy.
2.) Celebrate Yourself with Mementos. Surround yourself with reminders of your successes. Put up pictures, articles, trophies, awards and other pieces that bring your attention to your success. Make your environment speak to you about your achievements. Be proud of them!
By the way, showing appreciation for yourself and accomplishments has many rewards that go far beyond boosting your own self-confidence.
Appreciating yourself creates a cascading affect—your heightened confidence will spill over into other aspects of your life. Watch what happens when you gain that special trust in yourself. You’ll attract opportunities, experience more fulfilling relationships, and have no trouble reaching loftier goals.
Remember, people like to be around those who have a healthy self-esteem and who are achieving their goals. Commit to acknowledging your achievements and your brain will begin to tell you the truth: that you can do anything!
Author: Jack Canfield
Jack Canfield, America's #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul© and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. If you're ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at: 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Life Is Wonderful!

It is so simple and so easy to get what we want that we have a hard time to believe it. We are programmed to do things the hard and difficult way, in order to get what we want. We cannot believe that we can get anything without hard labour, sweat and tears, obstacles and misery.

This is nothing else but a tough old programming, a conditioning from our childhood. If you are like me, you were bombarded as a child with expressions from adults about how hard life is and how we have to struggle to get something. We were submitted to a hazardous universe or a God of revenge who could pick us out without any reason to take revenge on us for something we did wrong. We needed to avoid being bad or wrong, but disease could strike us anyway. Sometimes they even said : “It’s again a good one who’s punished, and the bad one take off easily like usual without paying anything!”. We learned that life wasn’t fair. We lived in fear and thought life was a valley of tears, fear, struggle, pain, disease and death?

How would it have been if they’ve told us the truth? The truth, nothing but the truth? That life is easy, wonderful. That miracles happen all the time and that we have the  power to make them happen in our own life! That the universe loves us. That there is wealth and health for everyone. That we don’t live in a universe of scarcity but of abundance. That we only have to put the right thoughts in our heads to make these dreams real for us.

What would your life have looked like if your parents and teachers would have taught you the truth?

You would have suffered much less! You would not have believed you were less than nothing. You would not have been filled with fear over your ears of getting sick or failing, of being stupid or being not good enough.

If you would have known from the beginning that you were a creation of the Creator, that you will always remain, that you will always be around, that you were created for a reason, and when you find this reason you will be happy, what would your life look like now? If you were told that you had talents, unique qualities, that make you a special person, and that you are on earth with the mission to offer these talents to others, where would you be right now and what would you be doing now?

Isn’t it nice? The Genius who created this whole thing did really well : we are sent to earth with a mission and to be able to assume our mission we are already fully equipped from the beginning : we are gifted with natural talents and all we have to do is develop our talents and offer them to the world! Simply said, we have to do what we can do easily already and what we are talented for, and then happiness, satisfaction, love, money and everything we want comes flowing our way!

It is so beautiful, this concept! All we have to do is to do what we love! And of course we need to stop at once to think we don’t deserve happiness or wealth or health. All these thoughts are wrong because they go against the principles of creation of the Universe.

We are already wonderful! We are already loved! We are already rich! We are already free! We are already intelligent! We are already healthy!

Why? Because we were all this before we started our life. It is the way we really are. It is the way we were created, we were born. This is the truth about ourselves. Everything else is “learned” afterwards.

The good news is whatever is learned can be un-learned. Every programming can be changed and replaced by a new program.

And again, life is wonderful, because a positive thought is 10,000 times more powerful than a negative thought. So you don’t have to take another 40 years to undo the negative conditioning in your head. One positive thought can counterbalance 10,000 negative ones.

Can you imagine? Aren’t we lucky?

If you choose to do so, you can rapidly turn around your negative program in your head. Go to the bookstore, buy some books with positive thoughts, put them at every toilet in the house, in the bathroom, in your bedroom, in your living room, and read them whenever you think of it or see them. It doesn’t matter if you read one page after another or if you just open the book as it falls in your hands. The message you will receive will be the right one for you at that very moment.

Every morning you start your day by saying thank you to the Universe for your bed, your house, the roof over your head, the people living with you, the water coming out of your tap, the light switching on by a simple gesture of your hand, the food available, the choices you can make that day, the love you received in your life and the love you will receive, the miracles which will happen today and the air you can breathe.

In your car, listen to CD’s or cassettes with positive programming. Listen to them while you make dinner, clean the house or iron your clothes.

Surround yourself with positive people and stop nourishing negative social talk. Don’t watch television unless there is some really positive program on.

There is a lot you can do to take a positive turn in your life. Don’t think you can do nothing. You are responsible for your life now. Make your choice! Know that every thought you think is either one which will weaken you, or one which will make you feel stronger.

The Choice Is Yours!

Author: Ineke Van Lint

Monday, August 6, 2012

Do What Feels Good And Find Freedom

A thought is energy. Energy always wants to manifest itself.

Energy cannot be stocked or blocked. It will get out anyway. If you do something to prevent your energy from flowing, it will find another way to express itself. If you do not follow your own energy, your intuition, if you swim against the stream of your own flow, energy will express itself in sickness, tiredness, depression, skin diseases, temper tantrums, aggressiveness and other not so pleasant things.

So why not follow the road where your energy takes you? This is your road, your way!

Do you know the song “I did it my way”? Well, if you do things your way, if you dare being yourself, you will feel the energy.

As long as you try to be somebody else to please your parents, peers, husband, wife, boss, children, neighbours or whatever, your energy will be stuck.

Ok, you say, but won’t I become selfish, an outlaw, a social disaster by following my own road? No! You will become yourself. That is freedom: to be yourself!

See the world like a big wardrobe. Everybody has his own costume. There is only one that fits you perfectly. As long as you try to be someone else, you are walking around with a costume that is either too small or too big for you. You don’t feel comfortable in it. And what else is, you “stole” a costume that belongs to someone else! That means you are not at the right place doing the right thing with the right people! You took someone else’s place, someone else’s costume!

How can you know if you are at the right place, doing the right thing with the right people? There is a very simple criterion to find out - the questions stop in your mind! This spinning machine in your head that was torturing you for years has just stopped by itself! You can feel it, you feel good, everything is “right”, your talents are asked for and you have the greatest pleasure to offer them to those around you. Everything falls at its place. Questions vanish and make place for peace.

As long as you torture yourself with all these questions, it means you still didn’t find your right spot on earth. You are doing an activity that somebody else should be doing. And your “job” is getting done by someone else who is not at his right place either! You see? It’s like a puzzle, if everyone is at his/her right place doing the thing he knows the best, everyone would be at peace, filled with energy and health, and everyone would live in wealth.

Go searching for your right place. The moment you stop being harassed by so many questions and you feel your energy flowing in your veins, you know this is it! You are on your road, your road to freedom. This IS freedom!

Look for it, go for it! :)

Author: Ineke Van Lint